Little Fort is the center for some of the best fly fishing in North America, with hundreds of quality lakes and several pristine rivers in the area.
Ice out is usually mid-May (call Fly Shop for latest update). First hatch is chironomids, also try bloodworm & adult midge patterns. Late May to early June and all through June, callibaetis mayflies take over from chironomids. Try pheasant tail nymph, grey wulff size 12 for dry. Around mid-June, look for damsel activity. Late June to early July, caddis (traveller sedge) can give spectacular surface action. Late July and all August, scuds and leeches work well in lower lakes. High altitude lakes are best (over 4,000 ft) during hot weather. Mid to late September, great action on backswimmers & water boatmen, also chironomids are working very well again. Expect ice to form in late October.
All quality streams are closed until July 1st. High water conditions limit access at the start, but rapid improvement occurs as levels drop. Canim and Mahood Rivers fish best early. Clearwater River is best in August and September. Adams and Raft River trout follow sockeye in late August and early September. None of these are classified rivers. Guiding is limited to areas outside Provincial Parks (call Fly Shop for details).
Stonefly patterns early, Caddis patterns (large) until Salmon move in, then egg (Glo Bug) patterns are best.